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Many brands want their own Google Knowledge Panel to further stand out from competing businesses, and it’s because of Google reviews and its strong online presence. In terms of customer reviews alone, Google holds 57.5% of all reviews, and 63.6% of consumers look at online reviews on Google before they visit a business.

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With a Google Knowledge Panel, businesses can provide more information about the brand and show off their services, both of which can convince consumers to visit your business.

What is a Google Knowledge Panel?

Searching for prominent “entities” – think of major, well-known companies – will sometimes include the Google Knowledge Panel on the right side of the screen next to the search results. Information on the panel can include a short description, images, important dates, social media channels, and the location of the brand’s headquarters. Keep in mind that the information in each panel can vary depending on the brand. A great example of the Google Knowledge Panel in the wild is from Nike, which pops up on the right side of SERPs (search engine results pages) when you look up the company on Google.

For any brand, getting a Google Knowledge Panel can be a game changer because it further establishes trust with the consumer before they even click on the brand website. Consumers want to make an informed decision before deciding on a specific product or service. A Google Knowledge Panel can cement the purchase decision for any local search rank checker.

How to Get A Google Knowledge Panel

According to Google, knowledge panels are “automatically generated”, and information included in the panel comes from various sources across the web.” These panels are also updated automatically when new data emerges online.

Because knowledge panels are created automatically, there is no way for anyone to create their own panel. It seems that with enough time and increased branding exposure, you can eventually gain your own Google Knowledge Panel.

If your brand does appear then you can claim it as your own, but you’ll need to be verified as an “authorized representative for the entity.” To start the process and claim your knowledge panel:

  1. Create a Google account if you don’t have one to use.
  2. Search for your business on Google and see if it has a Knowledge Panel in the SERP.
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the panel and click the button with “Claim this knowledge panel” written on it.
  4. Review the information presented on the next page, which talks about the features provided to you if you are verified to edit the knowledge panel.
  5. Sign in to one of the following sites as a final verification to authorize your representation of the entity in the knowledge panel. If Google can’t associate one of the platforms below with the knowledge panel subject then you’ll need to provide additional information to properly verify your account.
    • YouTube
    • Google Search Console
    • Twitter
    • Facebook

Once verified, you can further authorize additional users to be your representative online and manage their permissions.

How to Edit Your Google Knowledge Panel

Claiming your Google Knowledge Panel is one thing, but making changes to the information displayed in it can be challenging because Google uses an automated system to display updated and accurate information.

However, you can suggest changes to your Google Knowledge Panel if you think the current information doesn’t accurately represent your brand. To do so:

  1. Sign in to the verified account associated with the Knowledge Panel.
  2. Turn on the Web and app activitysetting on your account.
  3. Search for your Knowledge Panel on Google and click the “Suggest an edit” link (this is called “Suggest edits” on mobile devices).
  4. Click on the information that needs editing. You will need to submit suggestions for each individual item if there are multiple parts of the panel that need updates.
  5. A text box will appear on screen. When providing suggestions include the following:
    1. Your suggested change.
    2. Why it should replace current content.
    3. Try to include any public URLs that confirm your suggested changes.
  6. Hit “Send” to finalize your changes.

If you don’t see an option to suggest an edit on the panel, it’s because of one of two things:

  • You are not using the same account used to verify the Knowledge Panel.
  • Google doesn’t recognize your as a “verified representative of the entity.” You will need to get your account verified or ask the main representative to give you the same level of verification.

During the review process, Google will verify your suggestions by corroborating them against “publicly available information on the web.” If your changes are accepted, Google will send an email to you stating its intentions.

How Is a Business Profile Different from a Google Knowledge Panel?

While getting your own Google Knowledge Panel isn’t guaranteed, you can take steps in another direction to creating your own Business Profile through your Google My Business (GMB) account.

You can create a GMB account by visiting Just like the Knowledge Panel you’ll need to ask Google to “verify my business” before you can edit the information in the Business Profile, which includes:

  • Business Name
  • Category
  • Hours
  • Menu link (if applicable)
  • Contact information
  • Images

When adding these elements, make sure that the information you provide is not only correct but aligned with your other online listings. Listing inconsistent phone numbers, addresses, or even operating hours can hurt your search ranking on Google, which reduces your overall online exposure to potential customers.

Start With the Business Profile and Aim for the Google Knowledge Panel

Taking control of your online presence via the Google Business Profile is the first step to effective reputation management. Ensuring that the information is current and accurate further establishes trust between you and future customers. Over time, you can bolster that confidence by engaging on Google with Q&A submissions as well as learning how to respond to negative reviews.

With enough brand recognition online coupled with a plethora of positive customer feedback your brand can eventually gain an automatic spot in the Google Knowledge Panel.